Srushti announces the call for competent MD/DGO/DNB doctors to join the FOGSI-ICOG recognized 6 months course- Jan- June 2015
Srushti Hospitals Private Limited, Srushti Hospitals Private Limited
20 December 2014

The course is open for 2 candidates. The duration of the course is 6 months which will end in June 2015.

At the end of the course, the candidate would be clinically competent in Reproductive Endocrinology and the surgery relevant to fertility disorders.

They would be involved in basic and applied investigation in reproductive endocrinology and would be able to provide a consultancy service to other obstetricians/gynecologists.

They would have a working understanding of modern methods of assisted conception, recent advancements in ART procedures including IVF, ICSI, assisted hatching and PGD.

For registration and other information, please contact us by sending email to [email protected]

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