Multiple births in the UK - statistics
31 July 2015

The HFEA collects data on approximately 50,000 fertility treatments performed each year in the UK. We are committed to making as much of this information available as possible to aid and inform patients, researchers and clinicians. Our multiple births report is part of that aim. 

A multiple birth (twins, triplets or more) is the single biggest health risk associated with fertility treatment. To reduce the proportion of multiple births after fertility treatment we introduced a series of maximum multiple birth rate targets for clinics to adhere to. In 2011, we published our first multiple births report to show the progress the fertility sector was making.

Our 2015 report once again looks in depth at the national picture of multiple pregnancies and births after fertility treatment.

Download the report

Data from the report

We have also made available the data from ‘Improving outcomes for fertility patients: multiple births’ in an excel spreadsheet if you want to view the numbers behind the report.

Previous reports

Multiple births: related links

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