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Freezing Media

Reviews - Freezing Media

1. Oocyte Freeze

Oocyte Freeze For freezing human oocytes. Ready to use media kit for oocyte slow freeze Contains 0.3M sucrose for improved survival Phosphate buffered to maintain pH outside incubator For single use ...
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2. Embryo Freezing Pack

Embryo Freezing Pack For freezing of human zygotes and cleavage stage embryos. Ready to use media kit for embryo slow freeze Phosphate buffered to maintain pH outside incubator For single use ...
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3. Embryo Freezing Pack

Embryo Freezing Pack For freezing of human zygotes and cleavage stage embryos. Ready to use media kit for embryo slow freeze Phosphate buffered to maintain pH outside incubator For single use ...
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4. Embryo Freezing medium

Embryo Freezing medium Intended use Embryo Freezing Medium is for freezing embryos. Background Cryopreservation of surplus embryos serves to augment the success of assisted conception treatments for infertile couples. Embryo Freezing Medium is a semi-prepared formulation. Depending on the chosen protocol, a cryoprotectant and/or sucrose ...
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