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Kay Elder, Jacques Cohen
Human Preimplantation Embryo Selection This book will assemble the leaders in this field to discuss their visions of dealing with the topic in the light of the limitations involving the fragility of the early human embryo. The purpose of this book is to shed light on the ever-expanding techniques that are being employed and evaluated with regard to embryo selection. A comprehensive overview may guide the ART practitioner in choice of techniques and evaluation of benefits and drawbacks. In summary, application of increasingly advanced new technology has allowed the field of embryo evaluation to evolve rapidly and dramatically over t... [Read More]
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David Mortimer
Quality and Risk Management in the IVF Laboratory This essential survival guide for successfully managing the modern-day IVF clinic condenses a wealth of expertise and experience from the authors in troubleshooting and implementing quality management in the IVF laboratory. With high-profile media coverage of mistakes at IVF clinics, and escalating regulatory scrutiny, there is increasing pressure for professional accreditation. Modern accreditation schemes, which are largely based on the principles of ISO 9001 and related standards, require Quality Systems. Yet quality management beyond basic assay quality control is often poorly understood b... [Read More]
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David K. Gardner
In Vitro Fertilization: A Practical Approach Supplying a comprehensive and hands-on approach to in vitro fertilization (IVF), this source presents established state-of-the-art procedures and techniques, as well as the most current research in the field. Expert contributors explore the history of IVF and progress to future research pathways. Additional coverage includes preimplantation genetic diagnosis, oocyte retrieval, oocyte donation, and micromanipulation procedures such as ICSI, assisted hatching, and embryo biopsy.... [Read More]
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Michael J. Tucker (Editor), Juergen Liebermann (Editor)
Vitrification in Assisted Reproduction: A User's Manual and Trouble-Shooting Guide After 20 years of the first publication on vitrification as an ice crystal-free cryopreservation method for embryos, there is a chronic need for a book that addresses this cryopreservation technique in detail, outlining those techniques that result in success, and providing recommended means of overcoming the problems typically encountered. The book will supply a historical overview of the principles and development of vitrification techniques in animals and humans; the various consumables utilized for the vitrification of cells and tissue and suppliers thereof; and the vitrification and warmi... [Read More]
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Pasquale Patrizio, Michael J Tucker, Vanessa Guelman
A Color Atlas for Human Assisted Reproduction: Laboratory and Clinical Insights (Hardcover) Atlas presenting the innovations in assisted reproductive technologies. Includes discussions on image techniques to visualize the ooctye and its basis components during fertilization, refined methods to classify oocytes, zygotes, and embryos, and effective methods of cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos.... [Read More]
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Steven D. Fleming, Robert S. King
Micromanipulation in Assisted Conception: A Handbook and Troubleshooting Guide This guide to micromanipulation techniques, for assisted conception in a clinical setting, includes detailed descriptions of all common micromanipulation systems currently in use in IVF laboratories. In explaining how to optimize their successful use, the volume covers state-of-the-art techniques including ICSI, and procedures such as assisted hatching and the blastomere biopsy (for PGD). Valuable information on troubleshooting mechanical and technical difficulties is provided to help professionals ranging from technicians to consultant obstetricians master the techniques.... [Read More]
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Peter R. Brinsden
A Textbook of In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction: The Bourn Hall Guide to Clinical and Laboratory Practice: Includes Bourn Hall Protocols on CD-ROM, Third Edition This major book - known as 'The Bourn Hall Textbook' - evolved from teaching courses held at this prestigious Clinic - one of the birthplaces of IVF and clinical reproductive medicine. The content is comprehensive: covering assessment of the infertile couple and both laboratory and clinical aspects of assisted reproductive technologies. The emphasis throughout is on the practical management of patients undergoing assisted conception treatment. The third edition is a complete update of the field including expanded sections on newer technologies such as GIFT and ICSI. The book is authore... [Read More]
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Kay Elder, Doris Baker, Julie Ribes
Infections, Infertility and Assisted Reproduction ART treatment is vulnerable to the hazard of potential infection from many different sources: patients, samples, staff, and the environment. Culture of gametes and embryos in vitro provides multiple targets for transmission of potential infection, including the developing embryo, neighboring gametes and embryos, the couple undergoing treatment and other couples being treated during the same period. This unique situation, with multifaceted opportunities for microbial growth and transmission, makes infection and contamination control absolutely crucial in the practice of assisted reproduction, a... [Read More]
     Views 19099

Peter R. Brinsden
A Textbook of in Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction: the Bourn Hall Guide to Clinical and Laboratory Practice This is an enlarged, updated, color-illustrated new edition of the definitive clinical reference on in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction. It contains 37 chapters by top-ranked specialists from around the world covering every aspect of investigation and therapeutic options as taught and practiced at the world-famous Bourn Hall Clinic. Large format, double-column pages. Includes bibliographic references, procedures, protocols and information sheets, and index.... [Read More]
     Views 21230

Keith L. Moore BA MSc PhD FIAC FRSM, T.V.N. Persaud MD PhD DSc FRCPath
The Developing Human Introductory textbook for medical students. Abundant halftone illustrations and color highlighting.... [Read More]
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