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IVF Image Database - Sperm

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21. Spermac Acrosome Stain

Spermac Acrosome Stain Details:
A rapid method (Spermac stain) to analyse sperm acrosome intactness. Type 1, sperm with intact acrosome: Type 2, enzymes absent: Type 3, Broken or missing enzymes.

Submitted by:
Dr. Philip Chan
Views: 5961

22. Globozoospermia

Globozoospermia Details:
Electron micrograph of the round-headed human spermatozoa.

Submitted by:
Andrei Rybouchkin
Views: 5808

23. Heat-Induced Hyperactivation

Heat-Induced Hyperactivation Details:
Sperm (at center) incubated at 40C shows hyperactive motility (star-spin pattern) while other sperm cells show progressive or zero motility. Fertil. Steril. 69,118, 1998.

Submitted by:
Prof. Philip J. Chan
Views: 5771

24. Normal spermatozoon

Normal spermatozoon Details:
Normal spermatozoon under Scanning electron microscopy.(Magnification:12,000x.)      

Submitted by:
Hasan Burjaq ,MT (BGS)
Views: 5389

25. High Sperm DNA Damage

High Sperm DNA Damage Details:
Sperm DNA damage in a patient exposed to environmental contaminants at work place.

Submitted by:
Kazim R. Chohan, PhD, HCLD
Views: 5349

26. Globozoosperms

Globozoosperms Details:
Sperms without acrosome.

Submitted by:
Loredana Papale
Views: 4922

27. Immunofluorescent Spermatozoa

Immunofluorescent Spermatozoa Details:
Immunofluorescent depiction illustrating the presence and distribution of the platelet-activating factor receptor on spermatozoa. Fertility and Sterility 1999;71(5):941-942.

Submitted by:
William E. Roudebush
Views: 4647

28. Difference between WBC and Spermatids

Difference between WBC and Spermatids Details:
Can you tell which image shows polymorphonuclear leukocytes(PMN) and which image shows spermatids? Answer: The left column are PMN leukocytes or white blood cells (WBC). Diff-Quik stain of semen. Ma

Submitted by:
Professor Philip J. Chan
Views: 4473

29. Acrosome agenesis

Acrosome agenesis Details:
Acrosomeless human spermatozoa, most of which are round-headed, hence the term round-headed or globozoospermia. These two terms are inaccurate because acrosomeless spermatozoa need not necessarily be

Submitted by:
E.S. Al-Yafeai, MYQ Al-Rawi, J. Ali
Views: 3951

30. Spermatids

Spermatids Details:
The multinuclear cell is a result of incomplete spermatogenesis resulting in undivided spermatids as an abnormal round cell. Spermatids with cytoplasm are at the stage just before 

Submitted by:
Professor Philip J. Chan
Views: 3888

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